TOSSIN :Code des douanes Bénin


Books & Reference


The National Assembly deliberated and adopted in its session of June 27, 2014, the law whose content follows:TITLE 1 OF GENERAL INFORMATIONFIRST CHAPTEROF THE PURPOSE AND SCOPE OF APPLICATIONArticle 1: The purpose of this code is to regulate customs exchanges between the Republic of Benin and other countries without prejudice to specific provisions enacted in other areas.Article 2: This code applies in the customs territory of the Republic of Benin.Foreign territories or parts of territories may be included in the customs territory.Free zones exempt from all or part of customs regulations may be established in the customs territory of the Republic of Benin.All or part of the customs territory may be included in community customs territories.CHAPTER IIUSUAL TERMS AND EXPRESSIONSArticle 3:For the purposes of this code, we mean:Customs authorities: natural or legal persons responsible for applying customs regulations.---Data source The Laws proposed by TOSSIN are extracted from files from the Benin government website ( They are repackaged to facilitate understanding, exploitation and audio reading of the articles. ---DisclaimerPlease note that the TOSSIN app does not represent a government entity. The information provided by the app is for informational purposes only and does not replace official advice or information from government agencies.Please refer to our terms of use and privacy policies to learn more.